Goa To Gokarna Tour

By Taxi

Welcome to the ultimate Goa To Gokarna Journey!

Long ago, Ravana, the king from the story of Ramayana, brought the Atmalinga to Gokarna from a place called Mount Kailash in the Himalayas. Now, that special object is placed and worshipped in the temple area at Gokarna.

What's special about Gokarna?

Gokarna used to be a quiet town for visiting temples, but now it’s super cool because of its beautiful beaches.

It’s a bit like Goa but more peaceful! People who used to go to crowded Goa now prefer Gokarna’s cleaner and quieter beaches.

Lots of new hotels and restaurants are opening there too. Gokarna has its own special feeling and history, and while Goa’s beaches are busy, Gokarna’s beaches are calm and pretty.

If you want something different, Gokarna is a great choice!

And we are ready to take you from Goa to Gokarna with a fantastic tour package!

Things To Do In Gokarna!

Gokarna is a famous pilgrimage center and also one of the top destinations of Karnataka Tourism because of its beautiful beaches. The prime attraction of the Gokarna is the Mahabaleshwar Temple which houses the Atmalinga. Gokarna is a beautiful place that offers a lot of things to do. Some of the activities you can do at gokarna are:-

  • Visit mahabaleshwar temple
  • Visit Beaches
  • Flea market
  • Beach Hopping
  • And many more activities

Koti Tirtha Gokarna

Kumta Gokarna

Mirjan Fort Gokarna

Paradise Beach Gokarna

Gogarbha Cave Gokarna

Om Beach Gokarna

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